004: Creating with Heart w/ Carrie Murray

“We aren't built to be isolated. Sharing space, on any level, is how we thrive as a group of humans.”

Meet Carrie Murray

Carrie Murray is the founder of BRA – Business Relationship Alliance, a network of powerful women devoted to advancing female-owned businesses by providing the community, collaboration, mentorship, empowerment, and support needed to flourish as an entrepreneur.

Can you describe the experience (wake-up call) that served as a catalyst for you to change the direction of your life?

Wow! Where do I even begin? After years of being a public school teacher and principal, I left it all to start my own private school, Prestique Academy, we were "prestigious and unique" because we worked with twice exceptional students; with highly gifted and special education needs.

My wake-up call was when I was knee-deep into running a business and having no idea what I was doing! Marketing? Email Funnels? Payroll? So, I began to seek out help with all of it and began to bleed money on "coaches" "marketing firms" and "business advisors" and still wasn't making my revenue goals AT ALL.

Meanwhile, my clients loved me and the school. It just wasn't making any money and I scrambled to try to find new ways to meet people that could help me, I felt very alone. So, I started networking at events at various places and found it to be so overly sell, sell, sell, and no heart, no soul and so not how I wanted to network, I mean even the coffee they served was just awful. This brought on another wake-up call. I gathered a few friends who were also entrepreneurs together for a dinner party and told them I think I have an idea for female female-focused networking group and I want to call it Business Relationship Alliance, BRA, where we lift and support each other! What started as a dinner party of 5, 8 years later has turned into a community with members all across the country.

I sold the school, and then put all my energy into BRA.

What unknown territory or liminal space are you navigating right now?

I currently feel a little lost in being on a stage. Although I love the idea of being in the spotlight, I still find myself battling that little inner voice that says, "No one will believe you."

What’s a practice or activity you’re experimenting with right now to reconnect with yourself?


Cutting out toxic relationships

Working with my guide, Joy Guide June!

If you could give your wake-up call a voice, what would they say?

“Friend, you don't have to do it alone.

We aren't built to be isolated.

Sharing space, on any level, is how we thrive as a group of humans.

Don't show up to make money, show up because you are a valuable asset to all that you touch.”

Connect with Carrie on Instagram.


003: Getting off Autopilot w/ Antonio Neves