003: Getting off Autopilot w/ Antonio Neves

“At the end of every day, I write down 3 wins big or small, personally or professionally.

Amid the hustle and bustle, we can forget that quite a few things go right every single day.

We're just too distracted to notice.”

Meet Antonio Neves

Antonio Neves is an internationally recognized keynote speaker, acclaimed coach, bestselling author of 'Stop Living on Autopilot', and the publisher of Man Morning, the leading newsletter for growth-driven men.

He’s been featured on outlets like The TODAY Show, FOX, & Forbes.

Can you describe the experience (wake-up call) that served as a catalyst for you to change the direction of your life?

It started with a green gardening glove. I developed a secret cigarette-smoking habit. One day when smoking a cigarette in an alley, a man who looked like he had fallen on really hard times asked if he could bum a cigarette. I gave him one. We started talking like smokers do. Then he asked me why I was wearing a green gardening glove on my hand? I explained to him that my wife didn't know that I smoked and this was how I kept the smoke smell off of my hands. He looked at me like I had hurt him and let him down. Then he said matter-of-factly, "Hey man. You gotta figure that shit out." That was my wake-up call.

What unknown territory or liminal space are you navigating right now?

What life could look like and feel like if I wasn't the product on the marketplace that's for sale.

What’s a practice or activity you’re experimenting with right now to reconnect with yourself?

At the end of every day, I write down 3 wins big or small, personally or professionally. Amid the hustle and bustle, we can forget that quite a few things go right every single day. We're just too distracted to notice.

If you could give your wake-up call a voice, what would they say?

“No one owes you anything but you owe yourself everything. People care about you, and, no one can care more about your life than you do. No matter where you stand today your story isn't over yet. The next chapter can begin when you choose.”

Connect with Antonio on Instagram.


004: Creating with Heart w/ Carrie Murray


002: Confronting success with Cristina Peerenboom